Seeking Solace in Places of Peace and Awe

Sometimes when I am troubled, anxious, uncertain or perplexed I seek solace.  Sometimes when I am fully comfortable, totally at ease in place or circumstance, I find unexpected peace.

Most often, when I find solace and peace, I am in a place of awe, a place that is calm, quiet, spacious, and beautiful, a place from which I stand apart in reflection, a place of overpowering reverence.

These are the worlds of magnificent colorful forests, huge landscapes, quietly babbling brooks, still ponds, and soaring birds.  

So too, these are places near the sea.  A last walk along a quiet beach before uncertain days ahead provides time for reflection while the repeating crash of waves provides reassurance of constant, certain, and eternal life.  

And, these places include times at sea, sailing with trusted friends, enjoying healthy activity and perfect weather, while in harmony with nature and, thus, receiving the peace and comfort of wholesome place, a certainty that all is right.

In quiet places of peace and awe I find relief from stress, the consolation of reflection, a renewal of spirit, and, occasionally, a clearer understanding of why I am here and how I am meant to contribute to the world I inhabit.

…Jim Hopkins


Bringing the Outside Inside


How can we love our neighbor in other people’s spaces?